FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12This FoldingStory is intended strictly for use by authors and members of All characters are fictitious. Any similarities to actual events or persons is purely
11Weewooweewoo... The paramedics shook their heads. "You're totally forked. There's nothing we can do for you. Call a cutler." [later] The cutler shook his head. "43 forks in the ass
10Wikid, the surgeon, peering eagerly into the hollow of my bowels. Dr. Wikid stretched my navel & released, sending a pinball careening around a lung to bounce off the heart & into
11Nut sculpture of the Battle of 1812. His only accomplishment in life, a blue ribbon at the 4H fair of 1972 was now in the fat paunch of that grey squirrel sagging into the sofa
12t world. I shivered when I realised what had happened. This happened in the movies - the hero would help an unassuming person, and then they would be thrown into another dimension!