FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Dentene, god of fresh breath..." his voice trailed off as the sedatives kicked in. He mused. What if he really was washed up? Already? Maybe he should reconsider prostitution.
10He glared back. It was a glaring contest. My eyes began watering. I propped my eyelids up with toothpicks. He was unwavering. I saw his nose twitch, though. Ah-ha...any moment now.
11on the horizon of Planet Pubis. Capt. Shistrome gasped, recognizing...CRAP! "YOU again!" he cried. Chairman only smiled serenely at the captain, ready to wipe that sh*t-eating grin
10fish shaped candy.Listening to the sunset, whilst the rays of dawn echoed in his third eye,John knew he was no longer sane. But he couldn't care less,for the world was one with him
10then the Magic Squirrel of Random Wood tossed three Acorns of Witchery on the ground. They rattled and rollicked until curling golden sprouts came out and dug into the earth.