FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The little cubs all drowned. And that, Goldilocks, is why you must stay home, even when I go out and Uncle Bert stays with you. And you must do whatever he says. Goldi shook her
11to my existential crisis. I peered into his beady eyes and saw the void staring back. Oh, cruel squirrel, harbinger of death tell me no more! He held the acorn in a miser's grip.
11"I am a luxury hobo. Observe." The bearded man on the beach stuck out his thumb and a cruise liner picked him up. "I've been poor in 35 countries and hundreds of resorts. Follow me
11Undaunted, he took the $50 to the $1 store to buy a pack of white Tic Tac (to use as false teeth) but they only had fruit adventure. Then, the clerk said, “Can’t break a $50, Hon,
10chest (which seemed suspiciously gooshy, but it turned out he had spilled some mustard on it at lunch). But neither Jimbeau or Flopp would admit to knowing what a Cleveland Steamer