FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Hey diddle diddle. He's cracked in the middle.Tong Gao is stumped ornery and blue.
11Pooh hung his head but kept his eyes straight ahead to give him that cool evil look with moody shadows around his eyes. He wiped Piglets blood from his mouth with the back of a paw
13Stop that. Reverse it. Twelve typos tended, eleven emus emailed, ten typists twerking, nine nuns nagged, eight ears elbowed, seven speeches slurred, six sloths surrendering, five
10To the Moon and to Venus I said an inner thanks, and then I set my frogs afloat on leaves and alight with a secret word that we had practiced, and I let some paper lanterns aloft.
10lodged in my bagetelle. But that's not gonna stop me... I'm banging back, baby. I'm banging back.