FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
22-oline salesman who slept with that no good cheating tramp wife of mine gets my anthrax collection in the mail. 25. Catch 'em all! 25a. Capture a Gideon 26. Reread LOTR 27. Make a
11A Poem About My Mother - Humble,sweet,but often dreary/My mother is a soulless fairy/Beneath her lips,color of cherry/Three blackened teeth,a tongue so hairy/
10washed-up blue whale where it's teeth served as ornaments pinned up around the hovel. Everyday I looked out on the green, rocky terrain and wondered how it got here to begin with.
10I triple dog dare you! The last time I heard those words were last week, when Luther dared me to eat that whole container of low-fat buttery spread. At first, it was
10I'm not paranoid! I'm not paranoid! [curtain] Scene 7: [CLARA sprawled onstage, moaning] BUSTER: Well, what's this? Are those tire marks? [hill giggles]