FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10And they would have to circumsise me being feasting on my flesh. I was thrust out of the cauldron, my skin visibly bubbling from the water, bent backwards over a rock and held down
11to check on the treasure map. As I'd feared, Blackbeard Jr. had caked it in drool, fingerpaint, and... was that a booger? But beyond my cabin's doors, a crew yearned for direction.
10one small lizard boy remained: Leif. Fun fact: few lizardfolk like accordion music but Lief was not like most iguanaboys. Leif made Rupert play 6 encores. Afterwards, Leif clawed
15had to lick away the dirt and grime off of himself as if he were a feline. It was the only way to cheat the bathing prohibition. It was disgusting but there was no other option.
10Most of the shoppers had pepper spray as well. Some lady with her bottom bulging out of her stretch pants fired white phosphorous from a bazooka. The shoppers trampled the Occupy