FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12in the lemon curd. They really were quite adorable. Suddenly, a horrid thought crossed my mind - what of all the other bubblegum Pop-Tarts senselessly slaughtered in the name of
10but only got as far as Baggage Claim before overcome by the TSA response to her having assaulted the Custom's agents. She tried to explain that the villain had the orphans but they
10Emperor Snailien decreed. The sudden slowing of Earth's rotation sent many of the lighter Earthlings skyward, but it was a small price. Florists sent thank you messages via dial-up
10reaching out to me, fingers extended, imploring... I eyed the wide variety of arms. Long & skinny, muscular, some tattooed, others dimpled & rosy. The arms dealer blinked & asked
11that the demigod was tightly compressed into nutrition for horses, I lit up a smoke and sat back, ignoring the demigod's vague wails of "My butt! It hurts!" The Celestial Combine