FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10bottle flies, dung beetles, & Mr.Needlepoop. He's been seen skulking around the Grand Cacas looking for coprolite trophies. You don't want your dookie in a Faecalia Museum do you?
10'This WC will continue to flush', stated the notice, boldly, 'for as long as the chain is held.'. "Really?" thought Spencer in amazement, and proceeded to hold the chain for the fo
10BANG! My lights went out. I woke up what felt like days later in a hospital bed. A multi-lighted machine next to me gave off an innocuous *beep* then shut down. I couldn't see any
12gasped in shock and cut to commercial break. Off in the distance a thunderous rumbling could be heard, the hoofs of the approaching Kardashian sisters...and they were mad as hell.
12Pooh left the therapist's office elated. He felt empowered. He'd finally gotten in touch with his inner self, something that he repressed. Piglet said, "Hi Pooh" and Pooh ate him.