FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10looked very uncomfortable as he stood jingling the change in his pocket but repeated, "I'm sorry the coupon was for last month's special. Now I could be persuaded...," he coyingly
10Solution? Make Porky Pig sausages. He'll have a harder time glaring at you when he's reduced to several juicy rashers of bacon. The only thing that makes it better is
10in a pan with hot oil, lemongrass, minced garlic & coconut milk. The old hippie broad ate the paper & suddenly *understood*. She realized that she had to answer the message. She
12on sale for $7.99 a pound. Several hours later, Spidey House smelled of roasted hobgoblin. Spiderwoman blogged about it on the web and posted photos from the feast.
11My latest project is to publish my 1000 Greatest Folds divided into categories w/ sub-categories. For example, under SAD will be the categories Aliens, Sex, Junk Food. Under HAPPY