FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Mad about that man, Alex Trebek. But her dementia took on new dimensions all the time and her Answers were not always for the right Question but they always worked anyway. One univ
12off his ass-of-a-face with Dr. Derriere's reusable toilet tissues {patent pending}. The Captain and the Chairman were squared off for battle when an eruption on Planet Pubis caused
10gurgitated my dinner into a bowl and held it out for her. Apparently Dame May Whitty isn't fond of predigested cuisine. It is an acquired taste, but it is currently all the rage in
10. This was a thriving metropolis until the Hippo Stampede of '01. You could still see bite marks in an abandoned Pontiac Aztec, where the rebellion had begun. A hippo was gipped on
12took the chin of the head between my thumb and forefinger. "What do you think of it so far?" I asked the head. "Rubbish!" I replied on it's behalf, waggling the jaw up and down.