FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11with a bowl and no oranges to be found. He discarded his monk's robes and sat in despairing contemplation in the rocking chair on the north porch. But when the owners came out
10"Oh Tommy..." gasped Tesla, "You always did like to be... direct". Another moment of silence followed, this one more awkward than the last, before Edison took the upper hand by
10of all the secrets that passed between the two, my dog and our newly hired dog walker. I knew they spoke of my manuscripts, my failed manuscripts. I watched from the window,
11I sold everything and went on a three-day binge of hedonist delights. My doctor then called, "Forgot to add a zero at the end. You'll live for 30 years. Sorry, sending your bill."
10But his false French accent could not hide the simple fact, that no matter how hard he scrubbed, no matter how feverishly he polished, it was still just a bumpy turd.