FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11hot and heavy. The smoke pour out of that oven made the who room smell like heaven. It was so good that Mrs. Butterworth died of Turkey scent overload.
12He surfed gamma waves crossing the longitudinal fissure with the firings of the corpus callosum lighting his way & entered the seat of conciousness. So now you know Bozo's secret.
152. That 'that' is a filler word. That word can be dropped wtih no consequences to the fold and that 'and' can be replaced by '&' to save space, if you want to make room for content
11"I could understand a shark chewing through an internet cable," she said quietly, "BUT YOU DRAGGED ME TO A HUT IN THE AMAZON!" She wept tears of deep pain. "But honey, the internet
11Take the lower left hand corner and bring it to your knee. Once you have made the crease, shout, "Heil sensai!" and drop the beat. Fold 2 is easy. You can do that one. Fold 3: