FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10refused to believe it, blinded by paternal pride. Yellowstone Nate absorbed his father's diatribe, imagining how he might murder him decades on. When Yosemite Sam finished yelling,
10George didn't bring the Christmas Goose to dinner again. Last year, everyone got sick from eating it. This year, George had a Christmas Horse. Aunt Phoebe was flabbergasted. She
12booze + a wedding ring, which I realize now was probably the worst way to score. Apparently when it goes that far, girls want something called "commitment" which I always thought
14ld you give Dame Whitty a soup facial when we are clearly waiting for our first course?" I shouted at the waiter, who was fairly dancing with apologies. He ran back to the kitchen
12Alex Trebek prompted. "Who is a preteen with the hots?!" "That's right Mrs. Squat! And that completes the daily double! And now back to our sponsors." Who thinks these question up?