FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11a Hidden Markov Model made of folds not directly visible, but which have a probability distribution over the final story. This allows a reader to recognize patterns in the original
12In retrospect, telling a child to look after something so private probably was a mistake. It would be like asking a fox to look after a chicken coop. Almost immediately I decided
11He moved to Scotland and married a nice lady and now breeds Scottish Terriers. He never speaks of his days down under, but sometimes you can see the vast outback there in his eyes.
10easy shuffling thru the vacant corridors of my soul. It hurts when people are nice. He spent a drunken night complimenting me & asking to hang out. Next day, he blocked me on IM.
10write a coherent story. I wish I were back in foldingstoryland, by the babblin' brook. before the giant speaking mushroom, whose mycelia gird the mantel. tells me what to say.