FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11door salesman he never had much luck trying to sell doors to people who obviously already had them. The logic was lost on him, but he sold enough to pay half the rent on a
11but Jarrod's timestick stopped functioning. He took the timestick's cap off. He twisted the knob at the bottom and more timestick appeared. He rubbed it in his arm pit.
10"I guess I can take a joke." And with that the shadow shrank and Tad grew until he was a giant without a shadow. He missed it, as it was the only thing that ever followed him.
10The bag of chili tomato noodles, belonging to Her Majesty. The bolt of cloth was a lovely floral pattern, and immediately the minions took some for their relatively miniscule homes
12bashed Tharg's head with a rock, she had no idea she was to be the next sacrifice, due to the ceremonial narcotics used to sedate the victums. Although due to the compound scarcity