FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Ikea knew. I was surrounded by planks & screws, tears & snot running down my face. Then a glint & embedded in some polystyrene, a huge emerald. I picked it up. It was transmitting
11a Komodo dragon made an appearance on the beach. Not a week later, a group of Dugong youth on their way to school went missing from that very same spot. JMan called on the wise Det
11JMan thought he was flying for a moment, before he hit the hard, damp ground. He could hear Det laughing as the train disappeared around the bend. His wrist was sprained, but
11busy fighting in the war anyway. Lobsterman grunted and Godzilla cuddled closer to him. He loved the way he smelled, the look in his beady eyes and his springy handsome antennae.
12clams in the basement. They threw a party and laughed at my rash. Dr. Derriere said,"The only way to get rid of the embarrassing was to stop being embarrassed." But my butt is