FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Every time Mattie cooked the pancakes, Gill would pretend to eat them then secretly take them back to his workshop, where he was hoarding stacks of them in preparation for the
12let her open a Facebook account. I could see mom tending Farmville on the internet while I was sizing coffins. She had 200 friends but I was the only one at her funeral.
14Doreene sings "Somewhere over the Swamp Haze". Then Poeleece impound her Huntin Dawg an a Hairycane picks up her shack & drops it in Awz. "We ain't in (Ar)kansas no more Rufus!
10sharpening my butter knife. They'll pay. They'll all pay! As soon as my dog walker walked into my apartment condo, I lunged at him like an Olympic fencer. He somehow parried it
10spraying the walls with romesco sauce. "Hey those nuts were expensive!" It took the kitchen staff all evening to clean up the place. What a fiasco, but ah, it's in the pasta.