FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13. The Ant Queen's tail pumped out oodles of plasma coated eggs. Her faceless minions carrying the eggs off into the maze. When the ants forced me to kneel before her, her antenna
14I quit. I studied the 'best' stories. Can't discern a pattern. Someone makes a list & loses their plunger? Woopdeedoo. A girl gets a papercut? Big deal. Your about to get sk0njed!
10Damned fool, doesn't he know that being sloshily and sloppily drunk is the very essence of cartography? Damned fool! Cretan! Why the greatest explorers were drunks, how else
20A few things weren't going a few people's way so they collectively said 'what the hay' and elected the flawed man. Protests erupted on day 1 when the flawed man cut off all funding