FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11." "Oh?" "Yes." "Tell us more, Ronna." "Well, OK, Dick. She's riding on this bus &then the bus stops. Everyone gets off except the boring lady. That's my character." "Fascinating."
10Then he licked it and shoved it up his rectum. Instantly, he was transported to a tattered chair opposite the bed inside the White House main bedroom...he glared over and saw
10of the flat earth society, which had members all around the globe. So the Queen selected her best pen and inkpot and started to write
11"Well, it seems I have 42..." (sound of a grunt & a moan) "no, make that 43 forks stuck in my ass. Please send an ambulance out immediately! I'm --" The 911 call ended there.
10for good not evil anyway. The wand had a curse when you said schecklemabobwowa