FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11the tomatoes' little faces at the multiple fashion faux pas. But tomatoes are made of sturdy stuff & huddled together in a saucy group therapy session & got over it, basically.
11But, like so many marriages, it also had an expiration date. Thus, on my wedding night, I dove right in and went to town eating my new spouse, the box of PB Crunch. Yum!!
10olding this map," he said. "But folding a story is a whole other self referential thing." The map is not the territory, but folded territories give meaning to
11Shrieking, the banshee closed in on the Irish pub.
10rich enough to afford three lifetimes of opium and heroin, and frankly the premise had been milked when Sherlock was still in books. The Mouse Detective revived it briefly, but TV