FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10first base. girls + more booze + movie - halitosis = second base. girls + keys to dad's convertible + dental dam = third base and my equation for home base was girls +
11if maybe no pants and sailor suit was limiting his A-game with the ladies. Maybe he could get some pointers from his Uncle who taking a daily swim in his loot.
12& missed, as usual. "Poor thing," she murmured, sprinkling him with hot sauce for that extra zing. After Salazar finally fell into silent delirium, she let the dogs in to lick his
21protected against anything sharp that might threaten to pop their latex hides. The whole balloon animal zoo was completely rounded. Visitors were thoroughly searched for pointed
13amusing, witty, even musical sometimes. Lucielucie was the one everyone was following. Abusive? Rude? May it never be!! Hold it, who is that entering? It's