FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12George continued, "Who suffered a case of glaucoma. So he went to the doc, and...and..." George stopped, stumped in the Limerick Battle. The crowd booed. George suddenly smiled
10longer muddied by his past. Free now of royal bondage, Kenny escaped to the countryside & the empire now known as "Kenny's Krumpets" was born. All's well that ends well!
15Luckily he had a long and effective tongue (or so he had been told) and in a jiffy he was all spic and span and ready for the world. The bathing prohibition had been instituted
10I hung the gew-gaw from my neck, so I would always remember that fatal error. Never again would I know love, or what it feels like to not have killed my own family. I turned to
12How to Erotically Caress a Nose. 1) Breathe. Breathing's important. 2) To avoid startling the subject, approach from sideways on. 3) Position the nose at a 50 degree angle. 4) Shak