FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11monkey, - Spank your knife, - Instigate yesterday, - Forget the Navy, - Live for the Alamo, - Call organic, -Turn your head & laugh, -Cough like no one's watching, -Dance till the
12"Come into my parlor. I'll make us some killer French fries," she said as he suddenly realized he was stuck, caught. " I already in your 'parlor'?" he asked Spiderwoman.
12Detective Manatee was hovering right outside, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Hmmm," he mused. "I wonder if..." He took a few more notes & swam confront the killer.
15back car I found in 6. that I used to car-walk Fido. 10 Buy a new Fido and bury old Fido. 11. Stop watching Letterman's Top Ten. 12 Send my list to Letterman. 13. Stop making list
10long, quivering whiskers peered out with beady black eyes and squeaked, "Welcome to Ollivander's Wand Shop, eek!" Wandering around, the customer picked up a rosewood wand with