FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Mon cher, tu sais que je ne peux pas vous le dire. Mon entreprise est top-secret. C'est pour votre sécurité. Trust me," he replied. She frowned at her date, looking puzzled.
11was, or a Nebulous Battleship. Jimbeau and Flopp were beginning to wonder where they could turn to have all these strange new terms defined. An Untimely Jubilee? A Flubbering
11Scene 4: Exterior Diner. Man with slight limp walks from stage left to right. Vagabond enters holding small rucksack. VAGABOND: Wait! Can you spare a dime? MAN:
11Luckily the black hole picked it up for me. Its selective, benevolent gravity was a real plus for our town. Rabid strays: No more. Trash collection: Easy. But where did it all go?
11want-to-be novelist who would always show up at the party, drink all the box wine, and recite passages from the unseen book he was working on. FS is the drug for this schmoe.