FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10He performed acupuncture on his gums to varying degrees of success. As tough on hemorrhoids as they were on his toilet, Mr. Needlepoop eponymous droppings brought him fame in the
16Shambalabala, grinned toothily."You tell 'em, Buddy," he said softly with just the right amount of softness. SuperBuddy spun his prayer wheel while the robbers watched, mesmorized
12hunch that his hunchback was going to need more than a spoonful of sugar to choke down, but Manatee ate all of Uncle Hugo's hunch and the pudding as well, and then waited for natur
13an awesome fold that Flopp put together right there. Flopp is known for great writing and being there for you when the story needs it the most. Much like this next folder who
11"I could understand a shark chewing through an internet cable," she said quietly, "BUT YOU DRAGGED ME TO A HUT IN THE AMAZON!" She wept tears of deep pain. "But honey, the internet