FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
18find myself strapped to her back as she bungee jumps from a helicopter over the Caspian Sea. My puppet eyes watch in horror as the helicopter seems to become tiny, then larger, as
11ing Past here to teach you how to be grateful before it's too late" said the turkey carcass.Scrooge scoffed, "If you were at Thanksgiving dinner with *my* relatives, you'd know why
14GOL-DEN SHOWERS!!!, four calling cards, three freedom fries, two English muffins, and a broken down VW microbus in my parking lot. The carolers all looked expectantly at the closed
11All stories are love stories.
10qualms about affiliations. So what if he liked a Sarnath Sarnie now and then? So what if Newcastle tasted too sweet, considering the horrific incident? Unsettled? Well, settled.