FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11be a prickly problem. He landed in a Saguaro cactus deflating his hammer pants and his Zelda fantasy. The pain was all too real and his Wii controller useless.
12shook Pooh's shoulders roughly. "We can never go back. You know what happened to Tigger." Both shivered at the thought. "Here put these on." Chris Robin threw him a pair of pants
11I approach the temptress from behind. I must not! but her undraped shoulder pulls me. My finger taps lightly. Debbie McRoberts turns. "Do you want to dance?" I stammer. (No!)
10All three of us crowded around the Ouija Board. The second, excited, asked "Hey, does using this make us necromancers?" "Nay, 'tis but marked plastic." Noted the fourth.
11a hidden spring launched the bowl of noodles at her face! The noodles were coated with super glue and they stuck to her face! She made matters worse by swinging about wildly and