FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11concentrated ammonium nitrate was slightly beyond the orbit of Uranus. Capt. Shistrome's job was to plough Planet Diarrhea out into the Kuiper belt where it would get sucked into
10After 10 days of white-out in a pup-tent, the weather cleared and we ventured to the peak. When reaching the summit, I checked my GPS. We were on the wrong mountain
12Do not continue this FoldingStory. By it's completion, it will leave you in a cold sweat, awake until the early hours, staring into the darkness. This thread ends here. Goodnight.
23"Don't Pop the Balloon". It was a sight to see - thousands of colourful balloon animals swarming the streets, holding pickets, pitchforks and burning torches. They screamed for
16Start stocking up on rogaine®, Viagra® & pepto for the retirement years. 23. Count number of hairs left in my "barcode". 24. Have my will drawn up so that no good cheating tramp