FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12yellow swimsuit and sandals. She was sunbathing one day, like a giant banana on the beach, wearing over-sized sunglasses. Several sea monkeys serving sandwiches stumbled into her.
12global terror scheme," said Ronna "Who would suspect the beans a li'l old lady offers the other passengers are treated with steroids? My next mission is to blow up a plane, Dick."
10someone shouts "Cha-Ching!" That's because I am a goof, a ne'er-do-well, a spicoli, a ham baster, a imp limpet, a burrito mute, a flaming sphincter, a fart whomp, a chest of
15. It just so happened that we were eating pudding right then and there. And my slice wobbled, just like Uncle Hugo's belly. Uncle Hugo was in my pudding! I had to get him out!
10I had the nightmare again last night. Always the same. Having added to all existing stories, all I could do was create more. I needed to get to a FA meeting badly.