FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10cannibis, but Uncle Bert & Uncle Ernie reminded Goldilocks she was in no position to be taking ANYONE to court after her breaking & entering in at the Bears' house. She was dumb as
10n angry protest. Dr. Seuss declared, "Sometimes the glory of a story is that it doesn't mean a thing. It's demeaning to suggest meaning in a word without an aim."
10Guide Dogs but they had a waiting list. It was a shame because those dogs are cute. He learnt to walk with a stick but it just wasn't as good as a friendly guide dog.
13This pleased the Grammar Police, who let her family go after mild syntax injections. She breezed through college, becoming First Lady of Linguistics. Her family was very proud.
12But it's Wives #5 and #6 I really miss. They never said a word to vex me, although I did have their tongues removed so I guess the credit is due back to me.