FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11was, or a Nebulous Battleship. Jimbeau and Flopp were beginning to wonder where they could turn to have all these strange new terms defined. An Untimely Jubilee? A Flubbering
10Pretty good for a Monday morning, all due to my talisman, the Platinum Paperclip of Good Fortune! Today I planned to ask for a raise, but when I reached in my pocket to check
11But when Foxi awoke she found none other than Mr. Potatohead lying naked beside her. She was in an oven! "Holy Seamonkeys, I'm the main course!" she gasped. Through the oven window
11"I am a luxury hobo. Observe." The bearded man on the beach stuck out his thumb and a cruise liner picked him up. "I've been poor in 35 countries and hundreds of resorts. Follow me
11snapping pictures of his bare bum as she chased after him with the skirt of her nun's habit gathered in her fist. His bum appeared online and he became a meme overnight with