FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11It sat at the door and its big flabby form obstructed all who wished to enter. "Urghh ummff. Something seems to be blocking the door. Let's try around back." said Mort
12getting hammered will help me unlock the secrets.I opened my flask and took a swig, "Look, on, my, sorwk banana!" that's not right, I looked again, Loko no ym ye mgihty adn dsepira
12sea-monkey mind and illuminated her path into Magical Reality. The Sea Monkeys introduced her to the Holy Ocarina then showed her their coffee-table book of Bob Venosa paintings
10having to burn some spoiled fish carcasses from the storage barrels. The story didn't really fit the smell but most people will believe what they want to believe. Choosing to look
10Dear Diary: Dad's dead, & all I got was his ring. Duncan's dead too - oh, and Gurney too. Mom and I are being chased by giant worms. My eyes are turning blue (cool) but I keep