FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10He dreamed of one Viet Kong hamster in particular. It had stepped on a land mine & was blown apart. Still, he sewed the little feller up as best he could. Pet MASH flashbacks were
10It made him feel purdy. He spackled on flesh-colored foundation to cover the scars and stitch marks. Now what to do about the blue tongue and nails?
10ry. "Sure," the stranger shrugged, walking away as I lay there. My sight was growing dim. My life passed before my eyes. I quickly said the 23rd Psalm. I had but one regret:
10that being button holed by Jen & pressed firmly against her breast every day was the life he'd always dreamed of, but one day when Jen had eaten a big meal he popped off her blouse
11Several apartment neighbor's doors burst open to see their half-naked bodies sopping wet in the hallway. He yelled "You're just a tease! And to think, I bought you the lobster!"