FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10I propose that the town of "North Pole" shall be henceforth known by the name "Ho! Ho! Ho!" Furthermore during voting on this measure affirmation shall be indicated by the phrase
11ed his crotch and did a little Michael Jackson move as he headed out to collect the cow eggs. At least he thought they were cow eggs. They made lousy omelets, but were plentiful.
13They had payed good money to see him list words beginning with the letter H, and they were without a doubt not disappointed with the performance. Many even plead for an encore,
10But, there was one single problem. Which object could be pushed without drawing the ire of the landlord? The cat examined her surroundings, desperate for an object to push.
12ACN was the first author of this folding story. This first fold had 165 characters with more than 10 words. This story will have 10 folds by the time the story ends.