FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14use he was so sick from the pills he had found in the dumpster the night before. "You're a party pooper, Rattus," the other two Rattuses sneered as they swilled the poisoned brew.
12Alex Trebek prompted. "Who is a preteen with the hots?!" "That's right Mrs. Squat! And that completes the daily double! And now back to our sponsors." Who thinks these question up?
11"Yukon gold! Nuggets as big as your fists! Yeehaw!" he said. We immediately took a hard right and canoed to Nova Scotia. Cold as a witches teet it was, but we had nowhere else to
11But he didn't and night fall found him back at his corner again flaunting his candy for the sugar daddies. He caught an occasional bored Socialite but it was mostly their husbands.
12Ikea knew. I was surrounded by planks & screws, tears & snot running down my face. Then a glint & embedded in some polystyrene, a huge emerald. I picked it up. It was transmitting