FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15nice things! Damn teenagers and their goats, they always have to break things! Next time I see them, I'm
14be tyrants to the antfolk, enslaving them and forcing them to carry our luggage? I guess there are many bad possible futures, so I must destroy either possibility or the future.
11going to teach them a thing about goat, teen boy, and goat-boy etiquette. "And dammit, pick up that mess," I said. "The pottery is bad enough, but grandpa's ashes need to be
12Pooh left the therapist's office elated. He felt empowered. He'd finally gotten in touch with his inner self, something that he repressed. Piglet said, "Hi Pooh" and Pooh ate him.
10stole my money and bought a Snickers to tease me.Clearly,I had said my thoughts out loud.It happened exactly like in the ads, as soon as they took a bite, they became samurais.Oops