FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15Doreene shuffled dern ta yeller brick bowleevard and came up on a scardeecrow right dumber'n a box of hammers. Farther on, tey met a tin man who needed his heart transplanted.
11The cat's disappearance was an improvement, in some respects, tho t'was odd sharing quarters with a black hole; I missed the remote immediately, and my wife not long after that.
10Leonardo DiCaprio himself. I can even touch my tongue to my nose. But no way can I write a college essay. That's why I came to FoldingStory for help. Would you please help me?
13But Bob was telling me that ants WERE my friends. I kicked away the traps and lay down. The ants swarmed over me and lifted me up. They were taking me to their bloated queen
10said, "mdfji dfajlie.djieaa. mesafdi. jasoid." Most of Kenny's fans agreed with that sentiment and lived it out in their own lives. The Parka Generation had a brief revival after a