FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10to find a princess whose cheesy kiss could restore me. My fold was sent to the ICU where its bloatedness from too many puns and irritable vowel syndrome was treated. The bill
11nuns from around the world "liking" his assets, much to his chagrin. Why, he couldn't even step foot in a church without a nun approaching him for his autograph. Twas a bad habit.
10Blank stares. Finally someone said "Is that that new one on Bravo?" Disgusted, the cooking instructor said "No, nevermind, look, just mix the scalded milk mixture into the eggs and
10olding this map," he said. "But folding a story is a whole other self referential thing." The map is not the territory, but folded territories give meaning to
10about three seconds before it happened, which somehow was enough time for the past year and a half to play back in my mind, emphasizing every mistake I made, before I began flying