FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10wined her arms tightly around my neck, grunted & whispered in a raspy voice. "MINE!" Aunt Gracy? A jewel thief? She snatched the sparkling Carmen Lucia from my grasp & shoved me
10chews then swallow. Drink 2 ounces of water. Unfold napkin wipe mouth, then fold in a triangle again. Look at clock, count 3 seconds. Eat next quarter of my sandwich. 84 chews then
10d wherein one folder switches the protagonist's sex, either by mistake or intentionally. Sometimes you get a foreign fold, daring fellow folders to translate or add blind. Another
11He moved to Scotland and married a nice lady and now breeds Scottish Terriers. He never speaks of his days down under, but sometimes you can see the vast outback there in his eyes.
10roscope, Dr. Destructo tapped on his shoulder. "Mike," he said with a sympathetic sigh, "disco is long dead. And you're in the lab..." The realization that it was no longer 1977