FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12dally in her back alley like some silly sally snorting tiffy and taffy like cray cray was catching. The nuns were ON THE JOB now. This was their case now. Finding Tally Olde was
1124) Limit self to 24 New Years Resolutions. "Done!" I triumphed, signing the list. My attorney-wife scowled as she reviewed it, then stood and tossed the list into the fireplace.
33to know how to handle this crate. "Everybody buckle up and put your head between your legs" I flipped a couple of important looking switches. "and don't call me Shirley."
11got in line and after 4 hours I finally noticed that as everybody entered they took a number from a little contraption near the door. I had not done so and started to worry that I
19With stereo speakers booming, it slowed to a crawl and began to follow him. As his pace slowed so did the truck. He tried running and the truck sped up just enough to stay with