FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10or two but so what. My tentacles have crazy suckers on them. I can crush metal with my beak. As a middle-aged squidman I put those beaded things on my car seat, it helps
10Guide Dogs but they had a waiting list. It was a shame because those dogs are cute. He learnt to walk with a stick but it just wasn't as good as a friendly guide dog.
13Do you think quiche & pastries can be made unleavened with rye? Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby! Just gave me a bad case of gout, and it hurts right about here! Nothing really
12clams in the basement. They threw a party and laughed at my rash. Dr. Derriere said,"The only way to get rid of the embarrassing was to stop being embarrassed." But my butt is
11went off with out a hitch until his neck bolts started poking out of his turtle neck sweater. He tried to hide by the punchbowl but Beth spotted him. "Hey Frank! Long time!" "Urgh"