FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the castle not a creature was stirring, not even the shackled; the skeletons wre hung, by the chimney with care, in the hopes that
10get deep fried in the turkey fryer. Scrooge yelled, "Nooooo!" The Turkey Carcass of Thanksgiving Past then pointed with it's neck at a gravestone that said, "
10. Doris didn't like being called that, but had to admit she COULD be an ass at times. Her eyes took in the desiccated greenery that were once her plants & she berated Winston for
10"And," he added morosely, "there is no known cure. You only have three days to live." The doctor then stood up & left us abruptly. "Well, I guess we better hurry then," I joked.
10suspicious, then ran out of the bank and down the street to the park, where she disappeared into a crowd of people who all wore parkas and sunglasses. The bank cop that followed