FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11wondered about how much wonder bread his Fat Uncle Andy mopped up instant gravy with. Frankie was food tripping because the ants were taking his picnic.
11in solitary focused samadhi. Lima Beans are the zen monks of legumes, the keepers of pulse wisdom. A wisdom almost lost in the great Bean-o-clism. It all started with Kidney beans
10be true. . .WAS he a racist--a misogynistic, red-necked, dumber than a pile of rocks, Nazi-loving, good-for-nothing, Putin's-ass-kissing, homophobe with money? You decide!
11urple peephole so he could see the eye. 'Aye, I see!' cried the arms dealer. The heavy door slowly creaked open. I stepped over the threshold into the dimly lit room. Arms galore
10boomed. For added suspense the guards elongated the chase by running into the woods below full potential speed. In her high heels and dress, Tharg's wife didn't get far. The guards