FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
34[Sprinting accompanied by rhythmic farting][Jaws theme music][Silence][Gasp of breath][Wilhelm wimper][Violins striking a note discordantly][Record scratch][Voice over] "And now
10"Frank Junior, long time no see!" Beth gushed. Frank tried to cover up one neck bolt with a hand but it wasn't very subtle. Beth just kept rambling on as Frank spilled the punch.
10braces & relishing the next bit, extended my giant middle aged squidman tentacle into the interior but I made an strange movement feeling a terrible spasm. I'd herniated a tentacle
10at Kingdom Come Parochial School, and I was having sinful thoughts about her. Joy, to the world, was all light & innocence, which made me want her even more. "Joy!" I called, "
10wife. Funny, now that she's drenched in blood, I no longer want her in that sort of passive aggressive way. That's how cubicle marriages are. Fleeting and drab.