FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The Garden of Earthly Delights swayed the travellers with "Primrose of Passions" and "Foxglove of Foolishness." But that night, the Garderer would appear, with a weed whacker.
13Don't add to this folding story!
10made it clear that she did not approve but since he was Jim, then it was ok & she & all of her nun sisters would do everything they could to find Tally Olde so that he could dilly
10Confused, holding a bone saw, he looked down at Vince on the operating table. "Where?" The nurse shook him and pointed, "On the dotted line! Hurry!"
10recanted his earlier praise for hemp fashion. "I was misinterpreted," he lied; but lies from him were as influential as scripture. GQ soon followed, and my ruin was certain. Today,