FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
10Having already read the end of this story I can tell you that I'm appalled. I hereby refuse to participate. Specifically, the subtly veiled references in folds 6-8 make me want to
13had never met his match at Chinese Checkers. There at the last, he'd sit outside Elmer's Bait Shop, his prosthetics removed and placed on the table with the board, waiting for any
10really boring. It involved card stock. Embossings. Maybe a little gold leaf to really whip up the zanies. The collection could put a meth head to sleep, that's how boring it was.
13I leant on a pillar in aisle 6 reading the nutritional information on a Trader Joe's Belgian Chocolate Pudding. Apparently 'No Belgians were harmed in producing this pudding'. But