FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"To one half-cup whiskey add three drams elderberry tincture. Stir widdershins by the light of a harvest moon. Pour over glacial snow in a cup carved by no man's hand."
11Natch, teach saw the note in Emily's hand, & plucked it from her prostrate form. "Passing notes in class?" he chided us over the inert girl. "Hmm, 'Good Job'? What sort of job?" We
11This kind of "mise en abyme" talk was too much for him to handle and he went into a seizure. During his fugue state, a pot of water was boiling somewhere in the world.
22to the Department of Balloon Animals which had been a big hit with the citizenry. The protesters marched on the capitol, demanding the colorful rubbery animals that they deserved.
10med and the rich do the blaming. So even though I had several advanced degrees I decided to spend my days beach combing and offending self-righteous jerks. My first task in my offe