FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13. "No, you can't get to heaven in a limousine, cuz God don't sell no gasoline," but you CAN get there on a dirty, old bus as long as you promise not to fuss. And he didn't. :-)
11be a prickly problem. He landed in a Saguaro cactus deflating his hammer pants and his Zelda fantasy. The pain was all too real and his Wii controller useless.
11Line 2, satisfied with the ending, packed its bags and went on a vacation to Tahiti. Lines 3 was miffed that it now had to start the rest of the story. And so, in a small house,
10...set the fireplace to "burning," because the house should have a more rustic look 15) Make sure the moon is full, because god knows satan likes a full moon 16) say these words:
11and cheerfully asked him if his liver had grown back again. Prometheus growled at him, claiming Sisyphus asked him the same darn question every night! Sisyphus shrugged, and start