FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Xklk, the Romulan cheif editor of "Romulan Bites" gourmet magazine. So the Romulans decided to evaporate every Starbucks on Earth and in the heavens and insist on Romulan coffee.
10"Can't you do that somewhere else?" I said and did a faceplam. That big idea I was working on went out the window with He-man's might declaration: "I. HAVE. THE POWER!"
13we had food! There were meat and snacks and all kinds of things that would keep has fed for weeks. Suddenly, being lost in the woods wasn't so bad. Not that we were lost, as I was
11they hadn't used quite enough. They also didn't know that she regularly got zonked on Jimson tea so she had a high tolerance. Once free, Tharg's wife grabbed a club and loped off
10fruit-sucking cockroach. "Susan, we should eat the fruitcake and transform," Sam suggested. Susan didn't fancy the idea of turning into an insect, but she reluctantly reached out