FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15a reasonable amount, and a place to hang their hat, and a hat they like enough to actually wear, and friends who do not make fun of their hat, and a hobby collecting things that
11of the world covered. He looked as his competitors, smirked, and suddenly slammed a sack of potatoes onto the table, sending the pieces everywhere. "RISK is for bitches!" he said,
11she saw stick man. He tried to save her but ended up adding fuel to the fire. It was the tater tots who saved them. Years of counseling find their father nude next another woman.
10So it didn't really matter if I did terrible things or respectable things or who I did it for. What mattered was that my bank account got big enough for me to move to my dream home
11with a bowl and no oranges to be found. He discarded his monk's robes and sat in despairing contemplation in the rocking chair on the north porch. But when the owners came out